I really have no clue what Im doing here..... started reading a few blogs while checking out some questions on a Lap-Band discussion forum and thought to myself.... this could be a way to do something for myself?? for ten years I have been a wife (married for 7 together for 10) and for three years I have been a mother.... so I havent had any ME time in a very long time..... A year ago I started my pre-op process...and well ...I have been told a few times since then ...That I really need to take time for myself... to start taking care of myself and my health. so Im thinking a few blogs will be about me.....my past and what brought me to this point in my life.... and then after my surgery (Im hoping January 2010) I will use this blog to write about my journey.... and if anyone would like to read along that would be fine. :D
I just wanted to say thank you for you comments on my blog! Damn those poorly made porch swings and lawn chairs! January will be here before you know it! If you have any questions, you can always email me at amy.workman@gmail.com~!